This morning Chris was participating in the Remembrance Day program in a neighbouring town. This was the first year since we have lived here that I went along with the kids. When we first moved here Beth was a baby, and then when she was getting old enough to sit through a program requiring some silence, Anna was a baby. So we've never been. I honestly can't remember the last time I was at a Remembrance Day program, before I kids probably.
It was a nice, short program, with about a hundred people in attendance and there was a lunch afterwards. Anna knew there was going to be food, so at every single small pause, and in between songs, she asked me, sometimes quite loudly "Now is it suppertime?". Poor kid must have been starving, or bored, most likely the latter. I think Katie was the only one of the three who had any idea of why Remembrance Day is important.
There was a program in town today as well, but we missed that one. There is a dance this afternoon though with a supper to follow. We'll head down to the dance when there is about an hour left and stay for the supper.Two meals in a row that I didn't have to prepare....that's nice. Chris worked until 4am last night and then was up at 9am for the program, so he's spending the afternoon napping as he is back at work tonight at 7pm.
TB Test part 2
12 years ago
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