Friday, December 15, 2006

Long hair woes

Those of you with short hair, and mostly boy children probably don't understand the problems long hair can cause (and by mostly boy I don't mean each specific child is mostly a boy, I mean most of your children are boy children, just thought I should clarify). A few woes us long haired, mostly girl children people have to deal with are as follows:
  • Lice. I'm not sure if long hair is more prone to 'catch' it, but's it's definitely a much bigger pain in the ass to get rid of with long hair. Thankfully we have not had to deal with this for quite a few years...knock on wood.
  • "There's a hair in my food mom". At our house 'Guess whose hair this is? is a favorite mealtime game.
  • Clogged tub drains. Every couple of months we have to pour industrial strength drain cleaner down our tub drain. Regular Draino just won't cut it. We need the stuff that when you pour it down it not only smells like burning hair, but smoke comes up out of the drain. It cannot be good for your pipes, but the other option is standing in half a foot of water while showering and then waiting 15 minutes for the water to drain when you are done. Of course with a slow draining tub there is a whole whack (that word was for you Brenda ;)) of soap scum left on the sides of the tub every single day. Ewwww.
  • Hairy socks. Chris has these yucky feeling polyester socks he was given for work years ago and they attract hair. Everytime I wash and dry them I have to pick the long strands of hair off them so he can wear them again. It's weird and kinda gross really.
  • And today I have discovered that long hair is also the cause of my computer mouse being so touchy lately. It's an optical mouse so I figured you don't have to clean it. Although it does not get the crunchy dirt the ball mouse used to get, I've found out it can get a very long hair lodged up inside by the little red light which when you are trying to navigate around a webpage, makes your mouse pointer jump all over the darn place, causing you to abandon the mouse and start using the touch pad, which then annoys you to no end because a regular mouse is so much more versatile. However when this long hair is removed, the mouse works perfectly again, and I can now get back to my regular scheduled web surfing with no mouse interference whatsoever.


Brenda said...
