Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas Concert

Last night Katie and Beth had their school Christmas concert. I've always felt the school here had their concerts too early in December. It would be so much nicer if they had the concert closer to the end of school so that visiting relatives, like grandparents for instance, would have a chance to watch. I guess because in a small town everyone is related and pretty much everyone's family, grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. live here too, they don't really have to take that into consideration. You might think to yourself that since the concert is done and over with the last couple of weeks of school will be filled with actual school work, but I don't think so, lol. They have school parties to get ready for and the big Christmas Feast! The feast is something I have always loved about this school. Every year on the last day of school before Christmas Holidays the whole school, kids and staff, gather in the gym and eat a complete Christmas meal together. The older kids pair with the little ones to help them serve themselves and sit with them while they eat. The parents donate all the sides (mashed potatoes, veggies, pickles, buns and butter, etc) and the SRC provides the turkeys which are cooked by parent volunteers. It's very Harry Potter like, all the students gathered in the same room at long tables for a big feast, lol. When we are transferred I hope we are lucky enough to find a school half as good as this one has been. We've been very spoiled I think.
Here are a couple pictures from last night's concert. It was very difficult to get a good picture, sorry. The first one is Beth's class of kindergartens and grade ones. They sang Santa Claus is Coming to Town. She's the one in the very middle.

Katie is even harder to see. Her class of grade 3 and 4's sang Silver Bells and they were all dressed in old fashioned clothing. She is on the very far left. You can sort of see two kids there and she is the one on the right. Terrible pictures, but what can you do?