Friday, February 16, 2007

Day in the City

The kids are off school this week, Chris is off work today and this weekend. It was the perfect time to have a family day! We spent the morning just lazing around. In fact when a friend knocked on our front door this morning at about 10:30am, had he just walked in he would have found all five of us in my room laying in bed, talking and laughing. We quickly threw on some housecoats and answered the the door for our wake up call, lol.

So, after our company left and we were all cleaned up and dressed we headed off for our day in the city. First stop was to pick up some laminate for the porch floor. We haven't gotten around to finishing the bathroom and we already have plans to start a new room, lol. Next was off for a fancy lunch at Burger King. It was the kids' treat, they love the play area, and with the cold weather we've been having a chance to run and climb was great for them.

Since Old Navy was nearby we popped over to look for some jeans for Katie. She's so skinny it's one of the only places I can get pants that fit her. While we were in Old Navy, Chris took the other girls to Future Shop. The jeans were on a great sale (normally $29 a pair and on for 2 for $25, who could pass that up?), so I planned to get some for Beth as well. Katie found a couple pairs she liked and finished trying them on just in time to find Chris and the girls looking for us in the girls section of the store. Chris had found a great deal on a 1GB mp3 player (not free, like all you lucky USA shoppers, not even close to free actually, but whatever) so he picked that up for me since I had mentioned earlier in the day that we should give Beth my mp3 player (which is only 256mb) for her birthday and upgrading to a 1GB for myself. He also found the Lego Star Wars game for the girls for their gamecube. They had played the demo on the playstation and loved it. Chris loves shopping at Future Shop unattended by me, lol. But back to Old Navy jeans... I found a couple pairs for Beth to try on. The ones I had bought her in September were starting to get tight, so for a sale, I figured a couple more couldn't hurt. The size 5's were much too big in the waist, but oddly enough the size 6 slims fit her perfectly everywhere. How do they figure out their sizes? Anna's not a big fan of jeans so I didn't bother getting her to try any on, and we started to leave. Of course we walked by all the Valentine's themed clothes on sale and I picked up a pair of pyjama pants for $3.97 for myself and a pair of $1.97 boxers for Chris. I love sales!!
Next stop was the movies. We went to see Night at the Museum which is a GREAT family movie. It had a couple scary parts, but nothing gory scary or anything. The girls loved it (well Anna got a little bored) and so did Chris and I. I would definitely recommend this movie to everyone! I can't believe how much it costs to take a family of 5 to a new movie though. Usually we just take the kids to matinees at the cheap theatre, and although this was a matinee, the prices were no cheaper than the evening prices. It cost us $42 to all see the movie. That did not include snacks! At least it was a good movie, lol.
Finally, who can spend a family day in the city, and not hit Walmart. I have discovered that Chris loves a sale as much as I do. We were in the shoe isle looking for new ballet slippers for Beth when we found cute little boots in the the girls' sizes on for $5. I would have let them try them on and not have bought them, but Chris could not resist those puppy dog eyes. Cute boots, but maybe a little teenager-ish? They love them though.

They didn't have any in Anna's size though and she was almost in tears wishing she could get boots, so she found her own pair she wanted.

Not on sale, but you can never have enough pairs of rubber boots right? Funny thing is she loves her boots as much, if not more, than Katie and Beth love theirs.
No one was hungry after the movie treats so instead of hitting a restaurant before going home we picked up something easy we could make and headed back home. The girls picked at the food when we got home and then went to try out their new game while I charged my new mp3 player and loaded it with music. It was a great day.


B said...

Hey Corra,
Love the boots. I was in toon town last Saturday and hit Old Navy as well. The kids were sleeping so Marc stayed with them and I went by myself. WOOHOO. NO line up at the change room as well...double WOOHOO.

I am shocked at sizes for little girls as well. I bought Sasha a Size 3 bathing suit (tankini..not into those barely there binkins for a one year old) and Sam 18 month swimming shirt. They were the same size. I showed Marc and said this is wrong. It's bad enough the industry does this to grown women and teenagers but little girls?

Anyway just my two cents. I don't think Sash is going to petite so we will always struggle to find her clothes.

Glad you had a good time and enjoy the MP3 player...I am still wishing I had one.
