Friday, February 20, 2009


It still makes me laugh when my kids are playing some make believe game and one of them has to leave to go to the washroom or a get a drink or something else and they say to the others, “pause the game until I come back”. It used to make me laugh even harder when Anna would do it with a make believe remote in her hand that she would point at the other girls.

I wish I could pause life sometimes, like a snooze button for reality. I’d get a couple more hours of sleep every morning at least. 

What would you do if you could pause?


Michelle said...

OMG - my boys ALWAYS do that! Isn't it just a reflection of the world we live in now? Hysterical.

Brenda said...

The kids at the daycare do that all the time too :-)
I would pause bills--all of them ;-)

Anonymous said...

I think I'm in "pause" at the moment