Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I’m not really ‘into’ Lent, but I do know that it’s the 40 day long church season before Easter. Easter is something I’m into, lol. Chocolate, chocolate, and don’t forget chocolate. Of course that’s not what Easter is actually about, and Lent isn’t just about ‘giving something up’. There’s so much more to it than that. If it were that simple, maybe I’d be more of an active Lent participant.

But you are supposed to give something up that is important to you, that will teach you something about self discipline. Something that will teach you about sacrifice. I never know what to give up, so I never give anything up.

I think of trivial things like giving up certain food items, or tv, or the internet. But would that really teach me anything about self discipline or sacrifice? It’s only 40 days, it’s not like these things are gone forever. So am I learning self discipline or just biding my time until I can turn on the computer again?

Maybe the key is to fill the time you would normally be doing  whatever you gave up with good things. Things you don’t normally do. More prayer, bible devotions, random acts of kindness, volunteering, etc. That might actually mean something and you might learn more than the fact that 40 days without chocolate makes Easter that much more exciting and unfortunately, a lot less meaningful.