I babysit a little girl who is Anna's age. A few minutes after J arrived this morning Anna asked her if she wanted to play Pokemon. Anna said she would be the Pokemon and J would be the trainer.
Before I go on, I have to say that I love listening to 4 yr old conversations, they generally make for great blog material. If only I could remember to write even a third of them down, lol.
Anyways, J was unsure about how this game was going to work and didn't know what a trainer did. I wasn't sure either since none of the kids have every played Pokemon before so I was also listening carefully to the rules. Anna simply said "I'll be the Pokemon and you stand there and tell me what to do."
Awww....it's the same game Chris and I play everyday, but we call our game Marriage.
I'll let you guess who gets to be the trainer most often....
TB Test part 2
12 years ago
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