So much has been happening since I last blogged. Most importantly, we moved over the weekend. It's been such a crazy ride, this last couple of months. When we signed the Offer to Purchase for our house a few months ago and agreed to a May 28th possession date, we had expected to have confirmation of Chris's transfer, and a new house bought in our new town by that date. Never count your ducks, isn't that what they say?
Well my poor little ducks were counted and then unfortunatley mutilated between then and now. Not only did the transfer not come through on time to arrange a mover and buy a new house, but when it came through we ended up with a new location completely. We're very pleased with the new location, don't get me wrong, but it took so bloodly long that it's just been an incredible hassle.
So we moved out of our house which we sold and back into the place we were renting after the last time we moved out of that house. We're crazy and must like to move I guess, but just back and forth between the same 2 houses it seems. I'm glad my house sold finally, but now I am wishing I had waited a couple months to sell since the market just sky rocketed here in our little town. House prices have been steadily going through the roof over the last 6 weeks and had we waited to sell we probably would have walked away with a heck of a lot more money than we did. How are you to know though? Oh well, the people who bought our house are very nice and I think they will love living in this little town.
So now that we have moved, we're basically just playing the waiting game until we can move again. Chris will be commuting to the city for work and we are hoping to buy in the city. Once we have a house lined up, we'll move again, BUT this time Chris's job will be paying for the move so we can hire actual movers, not just depend on great friends and family to help us out again. Our friends and family have moved us enough times that even they know what goes where by now.
Today was the first day I was actually able to get online, or even use the phone. Our phone was supposed to be reconnected Monday, but it took until today for the phone company to figure out which way was up and fix the problem. I've really felt disconnected from the world without a phone. Not that a lot of people called me or anything, I only had 4 messages and one was from Chris who knew the phone wasn't working. Another was from our appliance repair guy to let me know how much to replace the stove burner knob that was accidently broken during the move. You'll never guess, it's an insane amount and I can only imagine it's plated in gold to cost as much as we were quoted. Even the repair guy seemed stunned when he left the message. Maybe he'll feel bad about the cost of the part and go easy on us for the labor?
Oh, I have to tell you about my cats. When we got them as kittens this is the house we lived in, so it was their home for a long time before we moved back to the other house. Once we were over there (last October) they could not figure out where we lived even though we kept coming back here, picking them up, and taking them to the other house. For weeks the black one travelled back to this house daily. They still would wander back to an old abandoned building near here a couple of times a week, but almost always came home to eat each night. So once they had that house figured out, we go and move back to this one. I was sure the poor kitties would be confused and be annoying the new owners scratching at the doors to be let in. Our first night here I went over to the other house and found the orange cat and brough him here. The black cat was at the abandoned building and would not come out so I could catch him. Later that night though, he arrived here asking to be let in! I let both cats out before I went to bed, sure I would have to go get them from the other house in the morning and to my complete surprise they were at the back door waiting to be let in in the morning! It's like moving to that other house was just a bad dream to them and as far as I know they have not been back over there, lol. Stupid cats. Wait til we move again, HA!
TB Test part 2
12 years ago
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