That's me today. I feel so domestic, lol. I got up this morning with the kids, got dressed before they did, threw on a load of laundry and even made coffee. The laundry has been going non stop since the first load. It's a beautiful day out today, my thermometer say 24C and there is a slight breeze so it's PERFECT clothesline weather. And what better than to hang on a clothesline than sheets and blankets. Yep, I stripped all the bedding and have been washing and hanging it all morning.
So now the kids have been fed and are watching some tv in the basement, the little one I babysit is down for her nap, the last of the bedding is on the clothesline, the kitchen is clean and the floor is swept, and the house is relatively quiet. I kicked off my shoes, turned on the computer, found my soap on tv, and the only thing that could make this part of the afternoon more perfect, and domestic, would be a box of bon bons.
TB Test part 2
12 years ago
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